6996 Ontario Rd., San Luis Obispo, CA
805 595-2625
Resident Minister:
Rev. Naomi Seijo Nakano
As I write this message, I'm fascinated at how rapidly the year is passing. Here we are only a few days shy of mid-year, June 30th. Time marches on and is a present reminder of my gratitude for all I have and where I am in this stage of my life. Namo Amida Butsu! As the dharma always reminds us all things are impermanent and we are all interconnected. The horrific event in Orlando, FL is not some unrelated happening just seen on TV. It is a part of our American society and we are connected with it whether we recognize it or not. I believe we Shin Buddhists bring something valuable and worthwhile to the society we live in. Just maybe Shin Buddhism might help avoid events like Or-lando?

There are many people around us that are seeking spiritual fulfillment which the dharma may or can provide. Our challenge is to make individuals aware of Shin Buddhism and get their attention of who and what Shin can offer. Many/most of these individuals are non-Nikkei (of Japanese descent). Buddhism is a non-proselytizing religion and is for everyone (not just the Nikkei). It is not appropriate that we should “drag people into the Buddhist tent”. So just how does the message of Shin Buddhism get out to the wider American population? Not an easy

One idea that SLOBC will try this year is to have a booth at the SLO Farmer's market. The booth will have brochures which touch on many subjects and have the perspective from a Shin Buddhist view-point. These brochures are published by the Southern District Minister's Association and are available for those that are curious and/or interested in Buddhism. The set of brochures include information on Buddhism, on Shin Buddhism, on Shin Buddhist temples, on Gay Marriage, etc. (By the way, these brochures are found in the temple's foyer. They are of interest to even temple members.) There will be no “carnival barker” enticing people to visit the booth. The brochures are only for those that do stop by and inquire at the booth. General Buddhism information and SLOBC information will be given to anyone who asks or inquires. Specific subject inquiry will be addressed with a brochure (if there is one that addresses the subject) or an invitation to the person to follow up with a visit to one of our services and speak with our minister or to hear Barry Bridge's “Introduction to Buddhism” talk on the third Sunday of the month.

Another complementary effort will be to have a booth at the Guadalupe Buddhist Church (GBC) Obon on July 31st in Santa Maria. The booth will be like the Farmer's Market booth - an information booth for those that inquire and/or are curious about Buddhism. No proselytizing. The same brochures as above will be available but will have GBC information on them. People will be directed to GBC for follow up if more information is sought.

Like GBC's Obon, SLOBC's Obon will have an Informa-tion Booth with these same brochures (with SLOBC infor-mation) available. And like the Farmer's Market and GBC Obon, only those that inquire and/or are curious, will be given brochures. No proselytizing. All three of these ef-forts are to get Shin Buddhism out there before our local public. Specifically, to those that are seeking a different religious path. Even if the inquirer is just curious, providing a Shin Buddhist viewpoint will benefit us all.

I'm asking our temple members to help support these ef-forts by staffing the booth. We may not know all the an-swers to the questions people might ask but it will be a good way to learn the dharma more intimately. The brochures might provide an answer and, if not, the question could be posed to our minister. Either way, we can all bet-ter learn the dharma together.

Namo Amida Butsu
In gassho, Tom Nishikawa
President's Message